As a resident of Westonia House I can honestly say we've finally got an excellent property service manager in Gianni. Please don't let anyone make the mistake of letting this guy go. His sense of duty to his position is unrivalled compared to previous managers.PositiveResponsiveness, Professionalism
1 St. Martin's Row, Albany Road, Cardiff, CF24 3RP, UK, CF24
http://seraph.pmSeraph Property Management are specialists in residential and block management as well as many aspects of domestic and commercial property maintenance. We adopt a personal approach to managing a property and ask about the individual’s goals as well as thinking about the property over the course of its lifetime. Our clients range from individuals with one property through to letting agents that wish to outsource their management as well as freeholders, leaseholders, developers and receivers of rent. We also work with other management companies to take care of their maintenance and facilities management. Our core management team are based in Cardiff, from here they will co-ordinate all aspects of property management including compliance, finance, health and safety and customer liaison. They support our Site Agents or Housing Officers who will visit our portfolio regularly and ensure the properties are being kept to the expected standard, or visit when an issue is raised. They are based in the area relating to your block along with trusted contractors for emergencies and general day-to-day work.
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