I suspect these people are lauded but I do not believe they are in place for the common man. Why on earth on their website do they continually display houses that are sold STC!! After hours of trawling through their pages you eventually get to the page of your affordability, only to find ALL are sold STC. You have to dig deep to find any that are for sale within your price range. These people are not the only guilty party, all of the firms in and around are guilty of the same practices. Now they have had a brainwave...Let"s pre publish houses coming onto the market via Instagram so early heads up are available for the 'right' people! So if you're of a mature age, don't have Instagram, what do you do? When eventually you navigate the rigours and traumas of Instagram via a third party phone you find contact details missing, requests for prices of property not answered at all, links not working? All in all it puts you off wanting to move. I believe the arrogance and unhelpfullness of these elite agents is damaging the industry reputation.......however not their pockets
13 St Johns Centre, St Johns Rd, Hedge End, SO30 4QU, UK, SO30