'I would like to place on record my sincere thanks & appreciation for the work of Karl Bradley MIRPM, Senior Relationship Manager of Ringley Limited, Chartered Surveyors, Ringley House, 1 Castle Rd, London, NW18PR. Following the Grenfell Tower fire in 2017 Avante Court was subject to a fire risk examination and failed to achieve an adequate standard of safety for its External Wall System (EWS1). In addition an extensive programme of internal works was proposed following an internal fire risk examination. Karl was the key member of RIngley responsible for coordinating the work of all the interested parties including Persimmon, Minerva (contractor) and, of course, the Leaseholders. Karl succeeded in creating a highly efficient and effective system of information management in which all stakeholders were regularly informed of developments, decisions, responsibilities and issues culminating in the successful completion of the internal works. Karl posts regular newsletters via email informing lease holders of the times and places for new works. Finally, my wife and I are grateful that he has managed to secure funds from Persimmon to cover members contributions to the internal works - so they can be refunded! We wish Karl and his team good luck with the management and completion of the external works. David Williams'
1 Castle Rd, London, NW1 8PR, London, UK, NW1