These people should be shut down. They are linked to Bridgfords estate agents in some way and as I am selling my property with them I took the recommendation and decided to use Countrywide. More fool me. They are set up like a large corporation, meaning you have to go through the standard 'press 1 for this option and 2 for this option' EVERYTIME you ring. This may sound petty but trust me you will be ringing them a lot, because the fact is it seems you have to do most of the conveyancing and chasing up yourself. My sale is almost due to complete - my poor buyers have had to have their mortgage offer extended twice because of delays and i would say i have spent a good 8 days worth of actual work in ringing, emailing, out of the 7 months it has taken to get to this point. Even now i am not confident this is actually going to complete, so please, do yourself a favour and dont use these people, if you do i can hand on heart say you risk losing your sale.
Lee House, 90 Great Bridgewater Street, Manchester, Greater Manchester, M1 5RR, UK, M1
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