We finished our tenancy in a student house with Nicholas Humphrey’s a month and a half ago. Though out the tenancy we had persistent issues, maintenance not being done until there were council inspections, no response to emails and calls never going through and would often return home to maintenance workers or house viewings occurring without the legally required 24 hours notice to all tenants. We were also falsely accused of damaging property that had been damaged during the previous tenancy and had to provide proof to avoid being charged. Nicholas Humphrey’s seems to think they can get away with these things with student tenants. Upon moving out we did not receive a single piece of information about our deposit for over a month, not the promised 10 days. I called multiple times asking and was told on four separate occasions it would be done by the end of the day, it never was. They claimed this was due to a high amount of deposits to process however every student letting agents in Manchester is faced with the same issue yet manages to return deposits in a timely manner. The deposit information given back didn’t provide any evidence or invoices of multiple things, for example ‘damage’ was charged yet we were not told what was damaged, and a mattress in one room was claimed to have been brand new when we moved in yet all mattresses were lumpy and clearly used when we moved in. The damaged mattress was also charged and split between all tenants despite it being in one room. They also complained about inappropriate things such as mould being in the bathroom which was there during move in and is obviously out of our control. After emailing to try and receive the invoices and information on damage, we have heard no response and are unable to reach them through phone call despite calling over 10 times. Avoid this letting agent if you’re a student or renter as they do not respect your time, money or legal rights.
323 Wilmslow Road, Manchester, M14 6NW, UK