Nicolas humphreys are by far one of the worst ever estate agents I have ever come across. This year my best friends at university stayed in one of their properties and from the get go their whole service was ridiculous. They were given a house with no fit state to live in. This took so much time for them to repair it and firstly they want the girls to pay full rent for an unliveable house? Forgetting about the state of the house in the first place, the ethical side of the agents was really poor. My friends wear hijabs and one time the agents came into the house to show people around for a viewing, without giving any prior notice my friend luckily enough ran upstairs before anyone could see her without her hijab. Issues like this just show how unprofessional Nicolas humphreys are. Secondly I have been in the house when the girls have been on the phone to the agents and the way they spoke to them on the phone was out of line, they were talking down every single time they could. I just think Nicolas Humphreys is a miserable excuse of an estate agents and anyone who uses them to put their property up for rent are purely using them as they are probably charge less fees compared to other estate agents. They are honestly the worst estate agents I have seen in Manchester.NegativeResponsiveness, Quality, Professionalism
323 Wilmslow Road, Manchester, M14 6NW, UK