Impossible to get anyone to speak to or return my calls/ voicemail. There are a couple of properties I'm interested in renting but nobody has got back to me for a week despite leaving several messages. Landlords be aware of this. Your potential tenant cannot view your property due to ineffective letting agent
2 Gordon Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 5LN, UK, NG2
Website: John Shepherd, we are the leading experts in helping landlords let property in Nottingham. With our three decades of experience in the property industry, we understand the unique requirements of landlords and customise our advice to meet the distinctiveness of each property. If you are in search of reliable letting agents in Nottingham look no further than John Shepherd. Our dedicated team is committed to seamlessly connecting your property with highly qualified tenants. We work tirelessly to showcase your investment property to the right audience, starting with a valuation.
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