You may as well do it yourself and skip out the middle man(Newton fallowell) save yourself a fortune. Very poor customer service from our agent. Unwilling to speak on the phone, would not return calls. Keyboard warrior at best. If you’re looking for an estate agent. Just don’t bother. You’ll do 95% of the work yourself, but have to pay for the pleasure. Would not recommend!
24 Catmos Street, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 6HW, UK, LE15
Covering the picturesque County of Rutland, voted the third best place to live in the United Kingdom by The Daily Mail in 2019, the team in Catmos Street, Oakham office are led by Managing Director, Jason Treadwell and have a wealth of experience in property sales across the County. Opening doors for clients in Rutland from January 2016, the office is now well renowned for impeccable customer service and a real pro-active and driven attitude towards selling properties within the area.
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