Without any doubt Belvoir Estate Agents in Saltash are the worst and most unprofessional company I have ever had dealings with. Myself and my wife who suffers long term illness have just experienced eight months of hell and my wife’s health has suffered dramatically. We have successfully rented privately for over fifteen years. This is the first time we have used Belvoir. The property in question was meant to be our home for life, Belvoir instructed a contractor to paint over damp walls despite him telling them it would not work. Belvoir were also aware of the long term health issues my wife suffers from. The Property Ombudsman is investigating the company. There has been countless episodes of misleading communication and what we regard as deceitful behaviour. They also ignored my official complaint for 32 days! Apart from the damp issues, we had leaking windows and doors, outer doors unable to lock and kitchen sinks blocked for eight months so we were unable to use the washing machine or dishwasher and had to wash dishes in the bath. We recognise that the owner is mainly to blame and she is being sued but if it wasn’t for the fact that Belvoir deceived us initially we would never have accepted the property. They have done nothing to support us and work with us to ensure repairs are done. After all we have been through it would have been nice for them to just admit their share of fault. In my 37 year career in management I have learnt to accept when mistakes are made and to learn from it, not Belvoir though. All our evidence is provable and supported by emails, audio transcript and video. The video being available to view on YouTube titled: “eight months of hell” The director has tried to defend the actions of her company but the truth cannot be denied. As a last resort she has stated that I am purely instigating an investigation for monetary gain, well I will state now that any money that may be awarded will be given direct to charity. They should hang their heads in shame. UPDATE: Reference: 22598\TPO\221119 26 March 2020 COMPLAINT BY MR DANNY KYLE AGAINST KJ PIKE LTD (USING A TRADING STYLE OF BELVOIR PLYMOUTH AND SALTASH) I will propose compensation if the evidence demonstrates that Belvoir have failed to meet their obligations under the Code in the circumstances presented to me. One: I am critical that Belvoir have stated that the Complainants moved in knowing there were issues and chose to go ahead regardless. I do not consider that the average consumer should be expected to anticipate that problems may be ongoing when they have been advised necessary works have been completed. The Complainants have repeatedly said they believed this to have been the case. I propose compensation of £25 as I consider this comment to have caused additional distress. Two: Given the requirement under the Code to ensure express permission is gained for access, I would expect to see clear records that Belvoir had monitored the arranging of appointments and checked that the Complainants were fully aware and in agreement. I have therefore supported this element of the complaint. I propose compensation of £50. Three: I do not consider it helpful for Belvoir to respond with accusations that the Complainants have been deceitful by recording the contractor conversation, and suggesting this was done with the intent of manipulating the conversation, or perhaps that the conversation has been edited in some way. I believe the Complainants were trying to get to the truth of the matter. In any case, I remind Belvoir that they have an obligation, regardless of any accusations made about their service, to remain polite, professional and courteous. For the complaints handling failings I have identified, I propose compensation of £150. Conclusion: I have supported some aspects of the complaint. The total compensation I have proposed is £225. Property Ombudsman
136 Fore Street, Plymouth and Saltash, PL12 6JR, UK