Warning! Be very, very careful before trusting these agents. My friend rented a flat through them and has been scammed out of her deposit and verbally threatened with "repercussions" if she even thought about legal action. Looking through their "reviews" it seems there are numerous reviews written be google accounts holders who only ever write one, positive review, then disappear forever. Sounds fake, yup, they are written by the agents to try and hide their horrific service. Properties they advertise are totally different to what you end up renting too. Filth on carpets and mould in cupboards appear to be part of the fabric of their rents. There are many long established and great agents round this area to try, not these clowns. Avoid if your money, health and self respect are important to you.
Reply from agent
Hi Veronica,
This is a very unusual review to receive. Due to the rules around tenants deposits associated to the tenant fee ban it’s impossible for someone to be “scammed” out of their deposit, in addition, all damage deposits are protected and should a tenant or landlord have any dispute they simply raise one officially via the TDS where independent arbitrators decide, so what you are claiming simply could not have happened. In addition, we welcome customer feedback and are members of both ARLA and the Property Ombudsman as well as having to operate to standards and rules set out in the tenants fee ban that are inforced by Trading Standards. Our staff are lovely to deal with and would never be aggressive or threatening to anyone in any circumstances. When using an agent such as ours there are so many routes to recourse for a tenant that is not happy with the service that they received that nobody would need to take “legal action” like you are stating. We have a clear complaints procedure and any issue like this would have come directly to me or one of the other directors to be resolved but I, nor anyone else in the office is aware of anything even remotely like the situation you are claiming “your friend” was experiencing. If your friend did really rent a property from us and is not have been happy with our service I suggest they contact us ASAP.
Our staff work tirelessly to provide an extremely high level of service and the wonderful reviews we have on this platform and others are testament to that. Any genuine person reading these reviews can tell they are real and should anyone want proof on any we can provide it.
Sadly, due to the bizarre contents of your review and your suggestion that there are “plenty of long established great agents in the area” it seems there are other motives for you leaving this review.
Should you wish to contact me directly please do on jaimie@madleyproperty.com.