I would like to say a final BIG THANK YOU from us both. Northwood has done a first-rate job for us over these last 7 years since we moved to Australia in 2014. We have always felt supported & looked after by all at Northwood. Renting the house out went well for us & afforded us the time to come to a considered decision about selling. Our sale proved fairly long-winded, during challenging times for all, especially for you in the UK. You worked constantly on our behalf & all came good in the end. You have always been available to us by phone & by email & we have always felt that we were in safe hands. I take this opportunity of saying a heartfelt THANK YOU & wish you all at Northwood the very best for the future.PositiveResponsiveness, Professionalism
3 Frances Street, Truro, TR1 3DN, UK